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Our flagship Blockchain platform
Shipping Companies

Welcome to PYLI NET, your partner for innovative blockchain solutions tailored for the shipping industry. While our full blockchain platforms are currently under development, we're excited to offer interim solutions and services to address your immediate needs and challenges.

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Featured Offerings:

Consulting Services

Get expert advice on how to leverage blockchain technology to improve your shipping operations.

Pilot Projects

Test and validate specific blockchain use cases or functionalities with our pilot projects.

Blockchain Readiness Assessment

Assess your readiness for blockchain adoption and identify areas for improvement.

Educational Workshops and Training

Learn about blockchain technology and its applications in maritime operations through our workshops and training sessions.

Proof of Concepts (PoCs)

Explore early demonstrations of our blockchain solutions with our proof of concepts and prototypes

Partnerships and Collaborations

Partner with us and other industry stakeholders to integrate complementary solutions with our future blockchain offerings.

Under Development Products:

Maritime Blockchain

Our flagship blockchain platform for shipping companies, offering transparent and secure management of vessel operations, documentation, and transactions.

Cargo Tracking

Track and verify cargo movements in real-time with our blockchain-powered solution, ensuring secure and efficient supply chain management.


Copyright © 2025 PYLI-NET | Powered by PYLI-NET Lab

All PYLI NET products and services comply with the GDPR regulations and are certified by ISO 27001:2022 and ISO 27701:2019

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